Things have really been awesome these past several weeks as far as hatching. I have REALLY had a great season so far and with every new clutch hatching it seems I’m totally lucking out and hitting on some of the exact things I’m looking for! On top of being EXTREMELY lucky!
Some of the awesome highlights as of late 🙂
This little girl just crawled out today in fact! I’m super excited to have my Leopard het SK Axanthic male do a little fathering of some clutches. This would be the 3rd visual Axanthic combo animal with Leopard I’ve hatched so far this year with atleast 1 more clutch with possible Leopard Axanthic stuff in it!
The other fun animal that hatched out and was a HUGE surprise this season was also VERY rare! I purchased some Vanilla het SK Axanthics a few years back which were also possible het for ghost. Further from a great friend I got a female double het SK Axanthic Ghost I ran that Vanilla het Axanthic possible het Ghost to and VOILA! I ended up not only proving my Vanilla het for both but ALSO luckily producing this awesome True Ghost! Very excited to see her color up!
Lastly, but certainly not least, I had bred my Firefly Axanthic to a couple of big Yellowbelly het Axanthic girls in high hopes of hitting on this combo! A Firefly Yellowbelly Axanthic! Not “very” much different that the Firefly Axanthic to most but definitely more aberrant pattern and just overall a wickedly patterned and colored animal! I have high hopes for this male in the next few seasons as I think those genes mixed in with other pattern morphs will truly be outstanding! Imagine Firebee Yellowbelly Axanthics!!!
So far indeed has been an awesome season and I really look forward to what other animals pop out in the coming weeks! We are over 1/2 way but I still expect some really neat new combos for us to be hatching! Further show season is just around the corner and I can’t WAIT to start seeing folks and talking more about Axanthics in person! Hope to see you out there!